Saturday, July 18, 2015

17. Ectotherm

Nice feet little guy!
Definition: Ectotherms are organisms such as reptiles who rely on external sources to maintain their body heat.

What the specimen is: This is a Mossy leaf tailed gecko. The scientific name for this species is Uroplatus sikorae.

Where we found it: This little guy was in the reptile exhibit at the LA Zoo, It's a good thing he was up against the glass! Sarah says these guys are masters of camouflage and almost impossible to see anywhere else.

How it relates to ectotherm: Geckos in general all need external resources to maintain their heat; it is common to see them sunning themselves on rocks. Mossy leaf tailed geckos must be kept in environments that are 78 to 85 degrees fahrenheit during the day and between 72 and 80 degrees at night.

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