Thursday, July 16, 2015

3. Eukaryote

Sarah's awesome puppy, Lilly
Definition: A eukaryote is any organism made up of cells with a nucleus that contains genetic material and organelles with specific functions.

What the specimen is: This specimen is Sarah's chihuahua terrier mix. Her name is Lilly, and Sarah adopted her from an animal shelter as a 10 week old puppy.  Lilly is now a two year old who loves long walks on the beach anywhere and playing fetch.

Where we found this organism: We found this wild beast on the couch actually. Since we think she is a Chihuahua/ Russell Terrier mix, her ancestry can be traced to Mexico and England.

How she relates to Eukaryote:  All multi-cellular organisms are classified as eukaryotic. Animals, plants, and fungi are all eukaryotes. All dogs, like Lilly are Eukaryotes.

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