Friday, July 17, 2015

8. Anther and Filament of Stamen

Hey look! Sarah's foot!
Definition: The anther and filament of the stamen are flower parts where the pollen is produced. The anther and filament are both the male reproductive parts of the flower. The stamen is a small stalk that sticks out of the center of the flower. The anther is attached to the end of the filament.

What the specimen is: The scientific name for this plant is Rotheca myricoides, but is called "blue butterfly bush" because the blue flowers resemble butterflies.

Where we found it: This plant was found in Sarah's front yard.

How it relates to anther and filament of stamen: If you look closely at the small blue flowers, you can see the the thread-like stalk in the center, this is the filament of the  flower. The small round piece at the end of the filament can be seen, this is the anther.

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